Nature Genetic:GY3基因增产7-15%! 华中农大邢永忠课题组为籼稻高产破解遗传密码

2023-07-30 13:27:25 个人图书馆-PaperRSS




One-step and two-step pathways are proposed to synthesize cytokinin in plants. The one-step pathway is mediated by LONELY GUY (LOG) proteins. However, the enzyme for the two-step pathway remains to be identified. Here, we show that quantitative trait locusGY3may boost grain yield by more than 20% through manipulating a two-step pathway. LocusGY3encodes a LOG protein that acts as a 5′-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase by excessively consuming the cytokinin precursors, which contrasts with the activity of canonical LOG members as phosphoribohydrolases in a one-step pathway. The residue S41 of GY3 is crucial for the dephosphorylation of iPRMP to produce iPR. Asolo-LTRinsertion within the promoter ofGY3suppressed its expression and resulted in a higher content of active cytokinins in young panicles. Introgression ofGY302428increased grain yield per plot by 7.4% to 16.3% in all investigatedindicabackgrounds, which demonstrates the great value ofGY302428inindicarice production.



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